Natural blends to bleach sensitive areas
Worry usually dark skin women in some areas of the body, especially those sensitive areas, seeking endeavoured to get rid of blackness that is sometimes very dark. If you suffer from a darkening of the sensitive areas and want to get rid of it by natural methods without recourse to medical materials, exhibiting a range of mixtures with you help whiten these areas of the body.
Mix two tablespoons of petroleum jelly in a small box, with a spoon of alghlsirin liquid, add half a teaspoon of castor oil with one teaspoon of almond oil. Mix well until theVaseline Lena too. Layer this mixture after bathing the area want to lighten it, and leave it for an hour a day.
Child powder
In half a glass of water, melt one tablespoon of sugar or salt, then stir in 3 tablespoons of olive oil and a half cup of talcum for children. After mixing well, apply the mixtureto the tire, then bake on the area to be lightened in the body. Class this recipe every day for two hours.
Mix Glycerin and lemon whitening dark areas
In a small bowl, mix 1 tablespoon of tahini 1 tablespoon olive oil and 1 tablespoon of yogurt. Then put the mixture on the sensitive areas that you want lightened. Layer this mixture daily and you will notice the difference after a week.
Take slice of lemon is equivalent to a quarter of a grain, rub the area you want to lighten it, then the asthami lukewarm water. Use moisturizing skin to protect it from drying out.
Rub the area that want to lighten by thin slices of potatoes for 10 minutes before rinsing with warm water. As you age and use juice on dark colored areas by your fingers or a small piece of cloth, and leave for 10 minutes and then rinse also in lukewarm water.