Some tips for skin care handsome man!

Magazines, morning programs and many Internet sites mean only women's skin care, but what about the man and his skin care? This time we will talk about only men's skin care: facial SOAP, shaving gel, aftershave, moisturizing cream, and more. Only to youDear handsome man!

Just as women, men are also at risk ltathirat sunlight, dryness, humidity and air pollution. Men also go through stages of aging, fatigue, stress, and not abandon alcohol and smoke the harmful to the skin.
In addition, recent studies have shown that the male skin is more problematic than female skin: the difference between skin and women, basically the amount of fat on-skin (Seborrhea) unsorted naturally aimed at protection against drought, pollution and loss of moisture.
After puberty, the amount of fat in reduced detachment of men compared to women. Therefore, men's skin dry, rough and wrinkled image sharper and quicker backs.
Therefore, it is easy to understand the development trend and development in the field of skin care for men in all parts of the world and of course in our country too. Cosmetic companies offer special lines for men care that encompasses a broad range of products starting from shaving lotion and deodorants, scented oils, perfumes and even anti-wrinkle creams.
Skin care products ingredients handsome man must save a lot of energy to cells, comfort, vitality and filtration (cleansing) according to the needs of males. Skin always anniversary exposed and unprotected at all: thick and deep wrinkles appear, appearance of cheeks, Chin may evolve and widen the neck. Shaving removes moisture from the skin daily, usually men tend to eat foods that may cause skin redness and expanded pores.
Finally, continuous exposure to environmental influence without using Sun protection cosmetics cause for male skin, suffering from air pollution and sunlight. As fit women face cream for all skin types, men must do with it in everything related to different skin care products they use, particularly shaving gel and Cologne.
According to the company's main adviser on "Dior", it is important that the appropriate type of Cologne for facial skin, while owners of sensitive facial skin Balsam aftershave suits them to a composition solution. It contains low alcohol and therefore is suitable for sensitive skin.
For those who do suffer from allergies all kinds of Cologne can suit them. All kinds ofaftershave, which contain a high percentage of alcohol appropriate to them. After shave Cologne should be used immediately, since the process of shaving is aggressive to the skin it is very important to cleanse the skin.
You must use aftershave on clean skin. Cologne complementary phase of the shaving process, it gives the skin feeling smooth and soft.
But before you put Cologne, there were two stages very important to do first. The first is a facial, and the second is the process of shaving with minimal injuries.
Distinguish masculine skin compared to women's skin. Masculine skin require different treatment for women's skin and therefore there is a distinction between cosmetics for men and women.
According to rose Fallon, Director of softach brand, when developing a product for men skin care taking into consideration the need for plastic surgery apart psychologically.
The man does not want the product impact, but wants the product penetrates instantly. Guy wants the fastest solution-easy-to-use product, without too many layers and with minimal concern.
Wardrobe should include skin care and handsome man product skin, shave and after shave products, and can be of three types of certain formulations: gel, lotion and cream.
Preferably a moisturizing cream that contains (after shaving) Hydra element Vuitton 24 who keeps the humidity level in the skin for 24 hours and that contains compounds to soothe the skin. The product must contain a sunscreen with a protection factor of SPF10-SPF20.
Regarding skin cleaning products usually prefers men with jelly combination cleaning products because they contain SOAP, wash easily, compared with women's products marketed single-face and facial lotion.
It is also recommended to install the gel for the eye area because it absorbs immediately and does not require a lot of concern. In the region of the forehead and nose, areas that don't you shave, it is advisable to treat the grains to remove dead cells and deep cleaning.
Add aorsila, the main guide of Clarins Clarins "several points about the differences between men and women's skin complexion:
-For masculine skin secretion of excessive llshm, shiny skin, large pores and there is an abundance of altstiron hormone, therefore skin require a mechanism for cleansing and balancing.
-External skin layer for masculine skin thicker, more active cell in addition to accelerated cell renewal.
-Circulatory activity among males has a tendency to cause irritation as a result of the expansion of the blood vessels. Therefore, the implementation process of shaving after a break (after meals).
-Skin easily affected by climate changes, temperature and steam. Sensitive eye area and contain dark spots and bulges, and therefore needed for recovery and revitalization.
-In the skin there is Division different masculinities, neurons, where there is less sensitive to touch and skin require different treatment and special items.
» »Unlabelled » Some tips for skin care handsome man! »Unlabelled » What are the benefits of avocado for beauty and skin! »Unlabelled » Method of cleaning the skin with the help of nature! »Unlabelled » How does stress affect your skin? »Unlabelled » Genes may play a role in aging skin »Unlabelled » Keep the purity of your skin by mixing starch and rose water »Unlabelled » 5 kinds of fruit contributes to fat burning
Unknown Unknown Author
Title: Some tips for skin care handsome man!
Author: Unknown
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Magazines, morning programs and many Internet sites mean only women's skin care, but what about the man and his skin care? This time we ...

What are the benefits of avocado for beauty and skin!

Using avocado in Scrubs and face masks, or eat regularly, may be highly effective for your skin, your hair and nails, even know us through this article on what are the benefits of alavogado and beauty secrets and your hair and your skin!

Long famous for avocado fruit with uses in areas of aesthetic and cosmetic skin, due to the rich in many nutrients, avocado fruit provides approximately 20 species of various vitamins and minerals, including potassium, folic acid, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamins A, C, E, B wallotin, and contain many chemical ingredients that work antioxidants and strengthens the body's immunity. In addition to the rich content of polyunsaturated fats and fatty acids are very beneficial for the body and health, and from here we ask what are the benefits of avocado for beauty and skin!

Many experiments have found that eating avocados regularly or used in face masks (masks), actually helps in the treatment of certain skin problems and increase her glasses fogged and her splendour and strengthens the hair and enhances growth and appearance and health, riches, amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins and antioxidants enhance skin and hair from the inside and from the outside. Alavogado oil is easy absorption in the skin and helps to save water, and promotes renewal of its cells.
What are the benefits of avocado for dry skin?
Certainly masks (masks) avocado gained fame from the success of the effectiveness of skin, especially dry skin, fatty acids contained in avocados helps moisturize the skin and give it a freshness, when using mashed avocado and apply it to the skin, leaving the skin soft and supple, moist and defensive work from Sun on skin protection and protection from UV.
As work unary polyunsaturated fatty acids which contains avocado such as oleic acid, maintain skin moisture enthusiasts operate Omega 9 on strengthening of damaged skin cells renewal and reduce thejeha.
What are the benefits of avocado in combating wrinkles and signs of aging?
Avocado helps combat wrinkles and signs of aging, a consequence of its high of powerful antioxidants such as beta-carotene, vitamin E, vitamin C, which neutralize free radicals. And may increase its effectiveness when integrated with cocoa butter, it helps alleviate the stains and scars, and helps unify skin tones, as the content of vitamin C as an antioxidant important for cell protection, an essential part in the process of building collagen and configure it in the body, all this makes llavokado a major role in the preservation and improvement of the skin.
Carotenoids contained avocado such as: Alpha-carotene and beta-carotene wallotin walziaxanthin, helps protect the skin from free radicals that may cause wrinkles.
As a result of the presence of some substances in avocado fruit such as the amino acid glutamine glutamine which has the effect of antiseptic for the skin, making the llavokado a major role in the treatment of acne. It also introduces the avocado in many treatments for some skin problems such as psoriasis and eczema and sunburns.
What are the benefits of avocado for your hair?
Avocado uses since antiquity in promoting hair growth and prevent hair loss and strengthen! You can use pureed as a mask for the hair, the easy absorption of avocado oil, rich in elements of the task by the scalp and to you the most important benefits of avocado for hair:
-Fits very curly dry hair, helping to smooth out and give it a healthy appearance.
-Moisturizer for dry scalp and reducing itching.
-Prevention of hair loss and strengthen and stimulate growth with vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins B deficiency and vitamin E may be linked to hair loss problems, and avocado is a great source of these vitamins.
-Protect the hair from UV rays, heat and chemicals.
-Contain avocado fat monounsaturated and polyunsaturated such as: Omega-3 plus some vitamins, enhances hair gloss and appearance.
Modus operandi of the avocado mask with honey and milk:
-Working on peeling the onion avocado and remove to bud, and then Maul half a pill.
-Add honey and milk or yogurt to the mashed avocado.
-After face wash thoroughly then apply the mixture on the face.
-Leave the mask from 30 to 60 minutes.
-Wash your face dry and enjoy the result!
For more avocado for hair, writing ideas: holder for hair of avocado and more.
» »Unlabelled » Some tips for skin care handsome man! »Unlabelled » What are the benefits of avocado for beauty and skin! »Unlabelled » Method of cleaning the skin with the help of nature! »Unlabelled » How does stress affect your skin? »Unlabelled » Genes may play a role in aging skin »Unlabelled » Keep the purity of your skin by mixing starch and rose water »Unlabelled » 5 kinds of fruit contributes to fat burning
Unknown Unknown Author
Title: What are the benefits of avocado for beauty and skin!
Author: Unknown
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Using avocado in Scrubs and face masks, or eat regularly, may be highly effective for your skin, your hair and nails, even know us through t...

Method of cleaning the skin with the help of nature!

The way you clean your skin! We offer the following months natural recipes help you clean the skin and sterilized without resorting to cosmetic products and brand:

Soaps, lotions, facial and body SOAP, waltonk and augmented, and peeled and many other products you need for everyday use, absolutely skin care and face clean by using appropriate and adequate preparations would have a significant impact on the brightening your skin and freshness, but did you know that you can cleanse your skin and sterilize and maintain cleanliness in ways that are simple and economical, natural and available in your home, some natural ingredients already fit different skin and be nice and suitable for sterilizing and peeling skin without any side effects you may leave any Cosmetic lotion last cause allergies and irritation or dehydration of the skin!

Here are our suggestions to for cleaning the skin with the help of nature!
1. clean the skin using milk:
Long famous for pharaonic Queen Nefertiti beauty and interest in every respect, and has known use waster of milk to preserve the beauty of her skin and radiance! Do you already have the milk to all these aesthetic values? This is true, as the lactic acid containing milk works on clean skin and remove dead cells, either containing protein and fat milk has a role in moisturizing and lubricant.
-Using whole milk is lukewarm.
-Wash your face with a massage with the fingertips.
-Possible use of cotton and wipe face with milk.
-Rinse your face with lukewarm water.
-In case of manatk of dry skin can add egg gruel tells you.
-In case of possessing sensitive skin add Aloe Vera (Aloe Vera), and rub on the skin.
2. clean skin with rose water
Always best known for rosewater various aesthetic uses, it is used to clean and disinfect the skin, moisturizing and revitalizing. As it known for its use in the treatment of acne and facial blisters.
Method: btghamis piece with a little rose water, and wipe your face to get rid of leftover traces of make-up and dirt (PCC) it will act as a disinfectant and sterile skin in addition to moisturizing. either suffering from acne and pimples is mix the frying of lemonade with rosewater.
3. clean the skin using alaolivira:
Famous for her extract of Aloe Vera gel and as containing anti-bacterial compounds, fungi and microbes, many aesthetic uses, be used for cleaning the skin especially sensitive, remove traces of make-up from the face and eyes, and can be used to treat pimples and acne.
4. clean and disinfect the skin with honey:
Long famous for honey benefits for large body, best known as a strong and effective antibiotic in the face of parasites and microbes, and here comes big honey in skin cleaning and sterilization, works as a disinfectant and Sanitizer alasl. honey can be used alone and applied to the skin or mix with oatmeal or abstract of Aloe Vera, and knead with fingertips and then rinse with water.
5. clean skin with cucumber and yogurt:
Mix cucumber juice or pureed in the Blender option mixture with yogurt and a little water, you get a great recipe to help you clean and moisturize the skin, pigmentation and pigmentation and lighten the skin and cure dark circles around the eye.

6. cleaning and peeling skin using oatmeal:
Here were known for using oats in particular powder or oatmeal for sensitive skin, working as a cleaner and oat scrub gentle for the skin.
-Use oatmeal and mix it with water or olive oil or almond oil or sesame oil.
-Use the paste and apply on the face.
-Massage gently webatrav fingers can add synopsis alaolifra for sensitive skin.
-Then wash your face with water and get immediately to smooth skin texture and clean.
7. skin cleansing and peeling using a mixture of sugar and olive oil:
Gently mix the following workout not only face but all over the body, and watch the result! Configurable paste of sugar and olive oil or coconut oil India, lemon juice and rub it on your body, and then rinse with water. Not the kind of delicate facial massaging her big it gently, avoiding the eye area, this traditional sauce known as natural Exfoliator, already proven results on different skin cells and help cure acne.
If you treat yourself and your skin with these recipes webakl costs and notice the difference!
» »Unlabelled » Some tips for skin care handsome man! »Unlabelled » What are the benefits of avocado for beauty and skin! »Unlabelled » Method of cleaning the skin with the help of nature! »Unlabelled » How does stress affect your skin? »Unlabelled » Genes may play a role in aging skin »Unlabelled » Keep the purity of your skin by mixing starch and rose water »Unlabelled » 5 kinds of fruit contributes to fat burning
Unknown Unknown Author
Title: Method of cleaning the skin with the help of nature!
Author: Unknown
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The way   you   clean   your skin !  We offer the following months natural recipes help you clean the skin and sterilized without resorting ...

How does stress affect your skin?

Us may note changes in our skin when we are in a State of tension and suspense, before an important job interview, ahead of such an important wedding or transition to a new home or in more painful periods as Aziz disease or even death,

Us may note changes in our skin when we are in a State of tension and suspense, before an important job interview, ahead of such an important wedding or transition to a new home or in more painful periods as Aziz disease or even death, so it is possible that this tension is reflected on our skin by up to status rashes.
For that reason you until you feel tension in your body secretes cortisol and other hormones cause fat cells have to produce more and more fat. Which makes you more prone to cases of rash.
Cortisol is a stiroaed is very strong, has paralyzed a part of your immune system, causing it to be more susceptible to colds and flu-like symptoms, as well as increasing the exposure of your skin llargiat-sensitivity factors!

Stress may affect negatively the skin problems that have them, such as psoriasis, fever blisters also increases the risk of skin infections such as cold sores. It hinders the proper functioning of your skin, that desiccate: leading the protective external layer to disintegration as it shrinks and evaporates fat skin cells between those cells.
Habits that may arise in the event of tension — such as scrubbing, scratching biting lip wekrkth fingers – increase chances of skin damage and disease. When the immune defenses of the skin already, these nerve impulses are not helping.
Unfortunately, studies also have shown that living a permanent state of tension increase chances of skin cancer in later years.
You summarize about 8 Virtual effects of tension on the skin:
1. ugly rash and sexy llhakak: skin cells found in layers on top of each are tightly together, forming together a strong barrier to prevent the spread of bacteria and other pathogens. When you are in a State of compression, the outer layers of the skin become incapable of protection, as we have these outer layers disintegrate, vaporize fat cells leading to minor cracks, the cracks make the skin more permeable allowing harmful bacteria to contaminate the deeper layers of the skin. These bacteria produce a protein the activate immune system leading lllaksima and psoriasis.
2. acne — found in a study of 22 students American University during the week of final exams that students suffering from stress and anxiety before an exam suffered love guys worse compared with those less tense, and other studies have shown that relaxation treatments may reduce the severity of injury in the case of acne.
3. deadly skin cancers – recent studies have demonstrated in mice and then humans demonstrated that "melanoma" and is the most deadly skin cancer types were more prevalent among those who live life tension, compared to those who did not have skin cancer is diagnosed.
4. pollution-as we talked already valkortisol is a mild steroid excretion is frequently whenever tensions and lead to irritation and consternation and skin system exposure to contaminants – Japanese study revealed that by watching the movie whenever giggle more scenes, say cortisol, stress hormones, and always in the interest of the skin.
5. cold sores-stress affect many different immune cells, leading to outbreaks of skin diseases associated immunity such as cold sores (psoriasis, eczema, shingles, warts viral)
6. the frown lines \ frown – frown lines on the face is not known to most people and are sometimes appear as wrinkles and signs of premature aging. May force yourself to smile but the smile won't work if suffering from chronic stress and negative thoughts and feelings. In fact, natural and permanent smile comes only from the positive emotions that cause you want to smile.
7. the drought – reduces the tension of the pregnant fatty skin, which leads to evaporation of liquids and consequently drought.
8. The pallor of the skin – when tension and anxiety is chronic, it takes skin cells take longer to reach the surface of the skin and thus detach, allowing dead skin cells accumulate, causing pallor and fade skin.
» »Unlabelled » Some tips for skin care handsome man! »Unlabelled » What are the benefits of avocado for beauty and skin! »Unlabelled » Method of cleaning the skin with the help of nature! »Unlabelled » How does stress affect your skin? »Unlabelled » Genes may play a role in aging skin »Unlabelled » Keep the purity of your skin by mixing starch and rose water »Unlabelled » 5 kinds of fruit contributes to fat burning
Unknown Unknown Author
Title: How does stress affect your skin?
Author: Unknown
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Us may note changes in our skin when we are in a State of tension and suspense, before an important job interview, ahead of such an importan...

Genes may play a role in aging skin

Specialists said that homocysteine may help predict how skin changes with age. researchers showed that despite the impact of smoking and sun exposure on the skin aging genes, however, persons may have a greater impact. the specialists said that this pilot research may help find out the differences between large and small old gene age. And they showed that by understanding how to make large genes in age appear small and how to keep small genes that become large in age then can provide better advice for patients to take care of their skin. researchers will now look at the differences between how the genes in large and small skin age and how the diet in these genes. in the study, researchers give pregnant rat food waned folic acid which alters the expression genes responsible for hair color at birth. Poor diet caused a change in hair color from black to blonde at birth and all future generations. this study shows impact of diet on expression of genes significantly. the researchers said that following generations of studies based on genes may help determine not only which components might work better for specific types of skin but the intake person throughout life may affect the skin too.

» »Unlabelled » Some tips for skin care handsome man! »Unlabelled » What are the benefits of avocado for beauty and skin! »Unlabelled » Method of cleaning the skin with the help of nature! »Unlabelled » How does stress affect your skin? »Unlabelled » Genes may play a role in aging skin »Unlabelled » Keep the purity of your skin by mixing starch and rose water »Unlabelled » 5 kinds of fruit contributes to fat burning
Unknown Unknown Author
Title: Genes may play a role in aging skin
Author: Unknown
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Specialists said that homocysteine may help predict how skin changes with age. researchers showed that despite the impact of smoking and sun...

Keep the purity of your skin by mixing starch and rose water

Every woman wishes to maintain the luster of her skin and make it soft and radiant and aspiring always to
avoid all traces of pimples or skin, blackening about creams before with exorbitant prices for requesting a desired outcome for the face and the results may be sometimes uncertain wetonin has spent a fortune trying your search which ultimately fails. Not much help your skin look the solution exist between your hands and in your kitchen precisely nothing is more effective than natural recipes for skin clean and free of any impurities, here we are today through this article from femininity that ndkom you mix starch, rose water for skin.

Amounts of starch and mix rose water
-3 tbsp rose water
-Half a cup of cold water
-1 tbsp of cornstarch

Mix Glycerin and lemon whitening dark areas

Method of preparation
-Melt the starch in cold water and rose water on the fire for a minute until frozen and condenses with doroh stirring constantly.
-Put the mixture in the refrigerator until cool.
-The mask layer to your skin for 30 minutes and then wash the skin with lukewarm water and then cold water.
You then skin white and shining.
» »Unlabelled » Some tips for skin care handsome man! »Unlabelled » What are the benefits of avocado for beauty and skin! »Unlabelled » Method of cleaning the skin with the help of nature! »Unlabelled » How does stress affect your skin? »Unlabelled » Genes may play a role in aging skin »Unlabelled » Keep the purity of your skin by mixing starch and rose water »Unlabelled » 5 kinds of fruit contributes to fat burning
Unknown Unknown Author
Title: Keep the purity of your skin by mixing starch and rose water
Author: Unknown
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Every woman wishes to maintain the luster of her skin and make it soft and radiant and aspiring always to avoid all traces of pimples or ski...

5 kinds of fruit contributes to fat burning

If you're looking for the easiest ways to burn fat and lose weight make sure that fruits are the best solution for you some fruit contribute to burning fat from the body and are the recommended doctors diet as it is rich in many nutrients and help to feel full between meals. Did you know that some fruits help in fat loss than others as theypromote weight loss? So we will give you today through this article of feminine names of fruit recommended weight loss faster.

Avocado helps with fat burning and weight loss and is rich in healthy fats from Omega-3 and essential fatty acids are healthy fats for the body. Avocado contributes to fat burning and converted into energy and works on the secretion of hormones that help weight loss.

Apple is one of the most healthy fruits that contribute to burning fat because it is rich in fiber and calories as it is a rich source of vitamins and antioxidants and minerals that give energy to the body.

Popcorn diet to lose 4 kg in a week!

Mulberry spring contains antioxidants that work to burning fat and helps the body burn more calories. And the amount of sugars are low in cranberries which it does not increase blood glucose.

Lemon Detox purifies the body and helps maintain the health of the liver which contribute to facilitating the process of annexation and the speed of burning fat.

Coconut India
Coconut helps India to feel satiety over long periods and is rich in healthy fats is not harmful to the body.

» »Unlabelled » Some tips for skin care handsome man! »Unlabelled » What are the benefits of avocado for beauty and skin! »Unlabelled » Method of cleaning the skin with the help of nature! »Unlabelled » How does stress affect your skin? »Unlabelled » Genes may play a role in aging skin »Unlabelled » Keep the purity of your skin by mixing starch and rose water »Unlabelled » 5 kinds of fruit contributes to fat burning
Unknown Unknown Author
Title: 5 kinds of fruit contributes to fat burning
Author: Unknown
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
If you're looking for the easiest ways to burn fat and lose weight make sure that fruits are the best solution for you some fruit contri...